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Manuscripts are written to be rewritten; faculties are hired to be fired.


Thank you for visiting my website! Below is a short introduction of myself.


Ying-Ju Chen is the Crown Worldwide Professor of Business and a Chair Professor at HKUST. Prior to the current position, he was a faculty in the Department of IEOR at UC Berkeley. He obtained a PhD degree in Operations Management from Stern School of Business at New York University in 2007, and he also holds master's and bachelor's degrees of Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University.


He is a recipient of Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence (MBA non-required/MSc, highest honor at HKUST Business School, 2 winners per year), NYU teaching excellence award, Second place of INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) paper competition, Winner of "Most Influential Service Operations Paper" in Production and Operations Management, Harold W. Kuhn Award of Naval Research Logistics, Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize), Best paper award of CSAMSE (third prize), the Harold MacDowell Award from Stern School, 6-time Meritorious Service Awards from Management Science and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and other awards and fellowships during his academic journey. He is ranked No. 2 among researchers world-wide by weighted corrected publication rate in Operations Management according to an article in Decision Sciences (2021).


His editorial appointments include a department/deputy editor for NRL and Service Science, and a senior/associate editor for OR, M&SOM, and POM journals. His current research interests lie in network economics, socially responsible operations, operations-marketing interface, and supply chain management. His work has appeared in several leading conferences and journals in the fields of economics, electrical engineering, information systems, marketing, and operations research.




Crown Worldwide Professor of Business, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2023 --

Chair Professor, 2022 – present, Lee Heng Fellow, 2024 --

(Professor 2019 – 2022, Associate Professor 2014 – 2019)

         -  Department of ISOM, School of Business and Management

         -  Department of IEDA, School of Engineering

Assistant Professor, University of California at Berkeley, 2007 -- 2014

         -  Department of IEOR, College of Engineering



PhD, IOMS-Operations Management Group, Stern School of Business, New York University, 2007 October.

n  Harold MacDowell Award (for best exemplifying qualities of and dedication to scholarship)

n  Stern Award for Teaching Excellence

M Phil, Stern School of Business, New York University, 2005 October.

MSEE, Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University

BSEE, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Research Interests

Network economics, socially responsible operations, operations-marketing interface, and supply chain management.


Publication and Working Papers

Selected journal articles:

[70 papers in UT Dallas top-24, 70 papers in Financial Times top-50, 54 papers in Business Week's top-20 journals]

[Methodological/ Field Journals: Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Queueing Systems, Automatica]

Short digest of selected work

[*: Former student or postdoc or student coauthor; ^: Advisor]

Pin Gao*, et al., 2025, "Position auctions with endogenous product information: Why live-streaming advertising is thriving," forthcoming in Management Science.


Zihao Chen*, Xingyu Fu*, Pin Gao*, et al., 2025, "Sound of silence: When to conceal attribute information? The roles of consumer search, inventory, and channel structure," forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


Huijun Chen*, et al., 2025, "Multichannel advertising: Budget allocation in the presence of spillover and carryover effects," forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


Yonghui Chen*, Ailing Xu*, Qiao-Chu He*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2025, "Smart navigation via strategic communications in a mixed autonomous paradigm," forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.  


Hongqiao Chen, et al., 2025, "Digital goods reselling: Implications on cannibalization and price discrimination," forthcoming in Production and Operations Management. 


Lu Hsiao, Xin Ma, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2024, "The effects of selling formats and upstream competition on product pricing and quality design," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26(4) 1526--1541.


Zongsen Yang*, Xingyu Fu*, Pin Gao*,  and Ying-Ju Chen, 2024, "Fairness regulation of prices in competitive markets," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26(5) 1897--1917. [Media coverage]  


Qiang Lin*, Xiaogang Lin*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2024, "Reselling/agency selling and online intermediaries’ information sharing with manufacturers and resellers," Production and Operations Management. 

33(1) 264--281.


C. Allen Wu, Chen Jin, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2024, "Add-on pricing: A queueing perspective," Production and Operations Management 33(2) 550--565.


Xianpei Hong, et al., 2024, "Centralization or decentralization? The effect of cost learning on procurement strategy," Production and Operations Management 33(12) 2346--2361.


Xiaoshuai Fan*, Kanglin Chen*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2023, "Is price commitment a better solution to control carbon emissions and promote technology investment?" Management Science 69 325--341.


Chen Jin, C. Allen Wu, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2023, "Managing competition from within and outside: Using strategic inventory and network externality to combat copycats," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 25 1814 --1834.


Z. Wang*, et al., 2023, "Impacts of distributive comparison behavior on corporate social responsibility in supply chains: The role of small firms,"  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 25(2) 686--703.


Chen-Nan Liao*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Pei-Ming Chen*, 2023, "Spread and control of medical rumors in a social network - A generalized diffusion model with a highly asymmetric network structure," Production and Operations Management 32 3683—3698.


Rui Zheng*, Biying Shou, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2023, "Differential pricing in social networks with strategic consumers," Production and Operations Management 32 2638--2655. [Video illustration]


Junjie Zhou, Chen-Nan Liao*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2023, "Optimal selling scheme in social networks: hierarchical signaling, sequential selling, and chain structure," Production and Operations Management 32 2138--2153.


Xiaoshuai Fan*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2023, "Allocating scarce resources in the presence of private information and heterogeneous favoritism," Production and Operations Management 32 20682086.


Xiaoshuai Fan*, Qingye Wu*, et al, 2023, "The implications of pay transparency in the presence of over- and underconfident agents,"  Production and Operations Management 32 2304--2321.


Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou, 2022, "The impact of network topology and market structure on pricing," Journal of Economic Theory 204 105941.


Jian Li, Junjie Zhou, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2022, "The limit of targeting in networks," Journal of Economic Theory 201 105418.


Shihong Xiao*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2022, "Customer review provision policies with heterogeneous cluster preferences," Management Science 68(7) 5025--5048.


Pin Gao*, Xiaoshuai Fan*, et al., 2022, "Resource allocation among competing innovators," Management Science 68(8) 6059--6074.


C. Allen Wu, Chen Jin, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2022, "Managing customer search via bundling," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(4) 1906--1925.


Xi Li, Yanzhi Li, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2022, "Strategic inventories under supply chain competition," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(1) 77--90.


Kanglin Chen*, et al., 2022, "The impact of tariffs and price premiums of locally manufactured products on global manufacturers' sourcing strategies," Production and Operations Management 31(9) 3474--3490.


Xu Guan*, Zelong Yi*, et al., 2022, "Quality certification in agricultural supply chains: Implications from government information provision," Production and Operations Management 31(4) 1456--1472.


Ying-Ju Chen, 2021, "Optimal design of revenue-maximizing position auctions with consumer search," Production and Operations Management 30(9) 3297—3316.


Ningyuan Chen and Ying-Ju Chen, 2021, "Duopoly competition with network effects in discrete choice models," Operations Research 69(2) 545--559.


Xiaoshuai Fan*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2021, "Mechanism design for managing hidden rebates and inflated quotes of a procurement service provider," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23(5) 1275—1296.


Junjie Zhou, Xiaoshuai Fan*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2021, "Information provision and farmer welfare in developing economies," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23(1) 230--245.


Chen-Nan Liao* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2021, "Design of long-term conditional cash transfer program to encourage healthy habits," Production and Operations Management 30(11) 3987--4003.


Jiguang Chen* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2021, "The impact of contract farming on agricultural product supply in developing economies," Production and Operations Management 30(8) 2395—2419.


Zelong Yi*, Amanda Wang, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2021, "Financing an agricultural supply chain with capital-constrained smallholder farmer in developing economies," Production and Operations Management 30(7) 2102—2121.

               -  an earlier version won Reward for Excellence, Supply Chain and Internet Finance Annual Forum, 2018.


Xiaoshuai Fan*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2021, "To bribe or not in a procurement auction under disparate corruption pressure," Production and Operations Management 30(5) 1220—1245.


Yang Zhang and Ying-Ju Chen, 2020, "Optimal nonlinear pricing in social networks under asymmetric network information," Operations Research 68(3) 818-833.


Shihong Xiao*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2020, "Knowledge sharing and learning among smallholders in developing economies: Implications, incentives, and reward mechanisms," Operations Research 68(2) 435--452.


               -  Featured in INFORMS Analytics Collections: Feeding the world through analytics


               -   Reprinted in Agricultural Supply Chain Management Research: Operations and Analytics in Planting, Selling, and Government Interventions, edited by Onur Boyabatlı, Burak Kazaz, Christopher S. Tang, Pages: 199--227.


Tao Lu*, et al., 2020, "Shipping to heterogeneous customers with competing carriers," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(4) 850--867.


Ying-Ju Chen, Shihong Xiao*, et al., 2020, "Innovative online platforms: Research opportunities," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(3) 430--445.


Xu Guan*, Zelong Yi*, et al., 2020, " Inducing consumer online reviews via disclosure," Production and Operations Management  29(8) 1956--1971.


Qiaochu He*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Rhonda Righter, 2020, "Learning with projection effects in service operations systems," Production and Operations Management 29(1) 90 -- 100.


Xu Guan*, Baoshan Liu*, et al., 2020, "Inducing supply chain transparency through supplier encroachment," Production and Operations Management 29(3) 725--749.


Chen-Nan Liao*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang, 2019, "Information provision policies for improving farmer welfare in developing countries: Heterogeneous farmers and market selection," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21(2) 254--270.


               -  Featured in INFORMS Editor's Cut: Feeding the world through analytics

               -  Reprinted in Agricultural Supply Chain Management Research: Operations and Analytics in Planting, Selling, and Government Interventions, edited by Onur Boyabatlı, Burak Kazaz, Christopher S. Tang, Pages: 159--178.


Tao Lu*, et al., 2019, "Selling co-products through a distributor: The impact on product line design," Production and Operations Management 28(4) 1010--1032.


Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou, 2018, "Competitive pricing strategies in social networks," RAND Journal of Economics 49(3) 672--705.


Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou, 2018, "Multiple activities in networks," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10(3) 34 -- 85.


Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen, 2018, "Optimal pricing with sequential consumption in networks," Operations Research 66(5) 1218--1226.


Qiao-Chu He*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen, 2018, "On the formation of producers' information sharing coalitions," Production and Operations Management 27(5) 917--927.


Zelong Yi*, Yun Liu*, Yulan Wang, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2018, "The impact of consumer fairness seeking on distribution channel selection," Production and Operations Management 27(6) 1148--1167.


Song Huang*, Xu Guan*, and Ying-Ju Chen, 2018, "Retailer information sharing with supplier encroachment," Production and Operations Management 27(6) 1133 -- 1147.


Ying-Ju Chen, 2017, "Optimal dynamic auctions for display advertising,” Operations Research 65(4) 897-913.

-- Second place of INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) paper competition


Ying-Ju Chen, Brian Tomlin, and Yimin Wang, 2017, " Dual co-product technologies: Implications for process development and adoption," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19(4) 692-712.


Tingliang Huang, Zhe Yin*, and Ying-Ju Chen. 2017, "Managing posterior price matching: The role of customer boundedly rational expectations," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19(3) 385-402.


Chen-Nan Liao* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2017, "Farmers' information management in developing countries - A highly asymmetric information structure,” Production and Operations Management 26(6) 1207-1220.


Xu Guan* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2017, "The interplay between information acquisition and quality disclosure," Production and Operations Management 26(3) 389-408.


Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen, 2016, "Targeted information release in social networks," Operations Research 64(3) 721 – 735.


Lin Gao*, et al., 2016, "Combining Spot and Futures Markets: A Hybrid Market Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access," Operations Research 64(4) 794--821.


Ying-Ju Chen and Ke-Wei Huang, 2016, "Pricing Data Services: Pricing by Minutes, by Gigs, or by Mega Bytes per Second," Information Systems Research 27(3) 596-617.


Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen, 2015, ``Key leaders in social networks," Journal of Economic Theory 157 212--235.

-- an earlier version won the Best paper award, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) 2013 (third prize).


Ying-Ju Chen and Christopher S. Tang, 2015, "The economic value of market information for farmers in developing economies,'' Production and Operations Management 24(9) 1441 -- 1452.


Ying-Ju Chen and Mingcherng Deng, 2015, "Information sharing in a manufacturer-supplier relationship: Suppliers' incentive and production efficiency,'' Production and Operations Management 24(4) 619 – 633.


Ying-Ju Chen, J. George Shanthikumar, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen, 2015, ``Incentive for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing among farmers in developing economies,'' Production and Operations Management 24(9) 1430 -- 1440.


Tingliang Huang and Ying-Ju Chen, 2015, ``Service systems with experience-based anecdotal reasoning consumers,'' Production and Operations Management 24(5) 778 -- 790.


Hui Xiong* and Ying-Ju Chen, 2014, "Product line design with seller-induced learning,'' Management Science 60(3) 784 – 795.

-- Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize) 


Ying-Ju Chen, 2014, "Supply disruptions, heterogeneous beliefs, and production efficiencies," Production and Operations Management 23(1) 127--137.


Lu Hsiao and Ying-Ju Chen, 2014, "Strategic motive of introducing Internet channels in a supply chain," Production and Operations Management 23(1) 36--47.
Ying-Ju Chen, Mingcherng Deng, and Ke-Wei Huang, 2014, "Hierarchical screening for capacity allocation in supply chains: the role of distributors," Production and Operations Management 23(3) 405--419.
Ying-Ju Chen, Brian Tomlin, and Yimin Wang, 2013, ''Co-product technologies: Product line design and process innovation,'' Management Science 59(12) 2772--2789.

Ying-Ju Chen, J. George Shanthikumar, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen, 2013, ``Training, production, and channel separation in ITC`s e-Choupal network,'' Production and Operations Management 22(2) 348 -- 364.

n  featured in the Plenary Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture at INFORMS 2009 (``Socially and Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains'').

Lin Gao*, et al., 2013, "ContrAuction: An integrated contract and auction design for dynamic spectrum sharing," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 31(3) 581--592. [Impact factor: 8.085]  


Ying-Ju Chen and Wenqiang Xiao, 2012, ``Impact of reseller's forecasting accuracy on channel member performance,'' Production and Operations Management 21(6) 1075 -- 1089.

Ying-Ju Chen and Jiawei Zhang, 2012, "Design of price mechanisms for network resource allocation via price of anarchy," Mathematical Programming 131 333 -- 364.

Ying-Ju Chen, Stephen Shum, and Wenqiang Xiao, 2012, ``Should an OEM retain component procurement when the CM produces competing products?" Production and Operations Management 21(5) 907 -- 922.

Lu Hsiao and Ying-Ju Chen, 2012, "Returns policy and quality design in e-business," Production and Operations Management 21(3) 489 -- 503.

Chi-Cheng Wu, Ying-Ju Chen, and Chih-Jen Wang*, 2009, ``Is persuasive advertising always combative in a distribution channel?'' Marketing Science 28 1157-1163.

Ying-Ju Chen and Gustavo Vulcano, 2009, ``Effects of information disclosure under first- and second-price auctions in a supply chain setting,'' Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11(2) 299-316.

Ying-Ju Chen, Sridhar Seshadri^, and Eitan Zemel, 2008, ``Sourcing through auctions and audits,'' Production and Operations Management 17(2) 121-138. (Lead article)

Ying-Ju Chen and Sridhar Seshadri^, 2007, ``Product development and pricing strategy for information goods under heterogeneous outside opportunities,'' Information Systems Research 18(2) 150-172.


Case studies:

From wholesaler to retailer: Was the transformation successful? (Fu Sheng Gardening)  with Haoyu Liu* and Pi-Ying Yen*. 


Book chapters:

Xiaoshuai Fan*, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher S. Tang, 2022, "Agricultural market information: economic value and provision policy," in Agricultural Supply Chain Management Research: Operations and Analytics in Planting, Selling, and Government Interventions, edited by Onur Boyabatlı, Burak Kazaz, Christopher S. Tang, Pages: 179--198. 

Ying-Ju Chen, Costis Maglaras, and Gustavo Vulcano, 2018, "Design of an aggregated marketplace under congestion effects: Asymptotic analysis and equilibrium characterization," in Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, edited by Ming. Hu.

Ying-Ju Chen and Sridhar Seshadri^, 2009, ``Risk intermediation in supply chains, '' in Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability, edited by T. Wu and J. Blackhurst.

Selected working papers:

Postgraduate program applications: simultaneous search, sequential outcomes, and reservation fees

I have had the privilege of working with and learning from my coauthors on some of the above projects (a partial list alphabetically): Leon Yang Chu, Mingcherng Deng, Ke-Wei Huang, Costis Maglaras, Sridhar Seshadri,
J. George Shanthikumar, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, Stephen Shum, Christopher Tang, Brian Tomlin, Yimin Wang, Gustavo Vulcano, Wenqiang Xiao, Eitan Zemel, and Jiawei Zhang. I am always enthusiastic about possible research collaborations.



Research Grants at the National Level:

[PI: Principal Investigator; PC: Principal Coordinator]

* Large scale group projects

- PC, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - Collaborative Research Fund. Alleviation of supply shortage and resource allocation inefficiencies during the pandemic. 06/30/2022 to 06/29/2025.

- PI, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (Management Science). Information-driven supply chain collaboration and service management in the new retail era. 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2023. [At most 1 proposal funded per year]

* Regular proposals

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Promoting technology adoption via new business operations. 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2024.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Ex ante versus ex post network pricing. 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2023.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Refined pricing and assortment optimization for the representative consumer model. (Co-I: Guillermo Gallego) 07/01/2021 to 06/30/2024.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Facilitating efficient services for ride sharing via information management. 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2022.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Synchronizing pricing and replenishment to serve forward-looking customers with lost sales. 09/01/2018 to 08/31/2021.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Overcoming product adoption puzzle in developing economies via menu design. 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2019.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Fairness and pricing issues for information provision to improve farmers' welfare in developing economies. 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2018.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Analytical study of dynamic supply chain network configurations. (Co-I: Ho-Yin Mak) 10/01/2014 to 09/30/2017.

- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Operational challenges for one-way car sharing services. (Co-I: Ho-Yin Mak) 10/01/2013 to 03/31/2017.



Department/ Deputy Editor:

Naval Research Logistics, Service Science

Senior Editor/Associate Editor:

Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics

Guest senior editor, Production and Operations Management, Special issue on innovation and sustainability.

Guest Associate Editor/Referee for:

Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Information Systems Research, Marketing Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, International Journal of Production Economics, and Performance Evaluation.



Demand and revenue management (postgraduate)

n  Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, School of Business and Management

Dynamic programming under uncertainty (postgraduate)

Simulation for risk and operations analysis (postgraduate)

n  Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence (2 winners per year), Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, School of Business and Management

Logistics management (undergraduate)

Simulation in business and management (undergraduate)

n  Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, School of Business and Management

Logistics planning and service management (undergraduate)

Engineering economics & accounting (undergraduate)

At UC Berkeley:

Dynamic programming (graduate)

Service operations management (graduate)

n   Master of Engineering Course Development Investment Grant, Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership

Mechanism design and auctions (graduate)

Linear programming (undergraduate)

Production system analysis (undergraduate)

At NYU Stern:

Decision models (undergraduate)

n  Stern Award for Teaching Excellence



Students for whom I serve as the principal dissertation chair/co-chair/primary collaborator:


* Former


Xingyu Fu (2024; Business School)

   Assistant Professor, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia

Yonghui Chen (2024; Postdoc, PhD Sun Yat-sen University)

   Faculty, University of Liverpool, UK

Ailing Xu (2024; Business School)

   Assistant Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Pin Gao (2021; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen

Kanglin Chen (2021; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, Business School 

Xiaoshuai Sophie Fan (2020; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, Business School

   POMS Hong Kong 2019 Best student paper award (Finalist)

Haoyu Tony Liu (2020; Business School)

   Assistant Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Pi-Ying Nini Yen (2020; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, Business School

Xiaojin Becky Fu (2020; Engineering School)

   Postdoc, McGill University and University of Toronto, Canada 

Hao Li (2019; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, Business School

   Postdoc, University of Hong Kong 

Shihong Cloae Xiao (2018; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, Fudan University, Business School

   Distinguished Overseas Young Talents (Mainland)

   Postdoctoral fellow, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, USA

   POMS Hong Kong 2016 Best student paper award (Finalist)

Patrick Ho Tak Tsang (2017; Engineering School)

   Faculty, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Engineering School / City University of Hong Kong, Business School


At UC Berkeley:

Qiao-Chu Tony He (2016; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, Engineering School

   POMS Hong Kong 2014 Best student paper award (First prize)

Chen-Nan Liao (2015; Engineering School)

   Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Business School

   Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (“優青” Taiwan)

   POMS Hong Kong 2014 Best student paper award (Honorable mention)

Ling-Chieh Kung (2012; Engineering School)

   Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, Business School

   Harold W. Kuhn Award (NRL best publication)

Wenbo Selina Cai (2012; Engineering School)

   Associate Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Engineering School


* Current/Incoming

[Recruitment of PhD students and Postdoctoral scholars is always ongoing. Come join us!]




Zheng Xie

   Redbird Scholarship (highest honor at HKUST); Bachelor's from Sun Yat-sen University

Qingfa Zhang

   Hong Kong PhD Fellowship; Bachelor's from Peking University

Haoyu Ma

   Bachelor’s from CUHK Shenzhen (distinction)

Yufeng Cindy Guan

   Bachelor’s from Zhejiang University (highest distinction)

Yushu Zeng

   Bachelor’s from University of Science and Technology of China (highest distinction)

Junxue Zhang

   Redbird Scholarship; Master’s from University of Hong Kong (distinction); Bachelor’s from Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA (distinction)

Zihao Chen

   Redbird Scholarship; Master's and Bachelor's from Sun Yat-sen University (National/ Nat'l Encouragement Scholarships *3)

Tianzhuang Xu

   Redbird Scholarship; Master's and Bachelor's from SJTU

Tianshi Wang

   Accelerated 3+2 Master's from University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA (first-class honors at Bachelor's level) 

Fengxing Wei

   Bachelor's from HKUST (first-class honors)

Xiyuan Mirana Yu

   Master's from HKUST (academic achievement); Bachelor's from CUHK Shenzhen

Xun Shan

   Master's from UC San Diego, USA (distinction); Bachelor's from SUFE (Math Experimental Class)

Boer Ouyang

   Bachelor's from SUSTech (highest distinction)

Yifan Wu

   Bachelor's from SUSTech (National Enc. Scholarships *3)

Zuzheng Dang

   Bachelor’s from Tsinghua Univ

Linqi Zhou

   Bachelor’s from Nanjing Univ (Math Specialty “強基” program)

Yuwei Liu

   Bachelor’s from Xi'an Jiaotong University (distinction)

Jiachen Xu

   Bachelor’s from CUHK Shenzhen (distinction)

Xinlong Zhao

   Master’s from SUSTech (highest distinction), Bachelor’s from Xi'an Jiaotong University





Students for whom I serve as the co-chair/ dissertation committee/ foreign advisor/ letter writer and others:



Chang Dong (2022)

   Assistant Professor, Durham University, UK

Zhuodong Tang (2022)

   Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University; Postdoc, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Wentao Lu (2022)

   Postdoc, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Hailun Zhang (2019)

   Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen

Liang Ding (2019)

   Assistant Professor, Fudan University; Postdoc, Texas A&M University, USA

Yunjie Wang (2017)

   Assistant Professor, Renmin University

Rongying Chen (2017)

   Assistant Professor, Suzhou University

Tao Lu (2016)

   Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, USA/ Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands

Guangrui Ma (2015)

   Assistant Professor, Tianjin University

Zelong Yi (2015)

   Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University


At UC Berkeley:

Long He (2015)

   Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Tianhu Deng (2013)

   Associate Professor, Tsinghua University

Yong Liang (2013)

   Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University

Gemma Berenguer (2012)

   Assistant Professor, Purdue University, USA

Tingting Cui (2010)

   Initial offers: University of Wisconsin at Madison/ Google, USA

Shan Li (2010)

   Assistant professor, CUNY Baruch, USA


Qiaozhen Guo (2023; PhD Xi'an Jiaotong University)

   Research Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

Zheng Cui (2022; PhD CUHK)

   Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University

Wendy Wenzheng Mao (2020; PhD HKU)

   Assistant Professor, Tongji University

Xiangyin Kong (2020; PhD City University of Hong Kong and Xi'an Jiaotong University)

   Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Xiaole Chen (2020; PhD Chinese University of Hong Kong)

   Assistant Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University

Xiaojing Feng (2020; PhD Shanghai Jiaotong University)

   Assistant Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Anran Li (2018; PhD Columbia University)

   Assistant Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

Chaocheng Gu (2017; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

   Postdoc, City University of Hong Kong; Assistant Professor, Jinan University

Qijun Qiu (2016; PhD University of Hong Kong)

   Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau

Zhuo Feng (2016; PhD Tianjin University)

   Assistant Professor, Dalian University of Technology

Yao Tang (2016; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

   Assistant Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Xu Guan (2013; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

   Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Hui Xiong (2013; PhD Tsinghua University)

   Associate professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

   Dissertation work won Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize) 

Qiankai Qing (2013; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

   Assistant Professor, Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Jiguang Chen (2013; PhD Fudan University)

   Assistant Professor, Shandong University


Pre-doctoral Advisees


Siqi He (2024; USTC)

   PhD program, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA

Ya-Cheng Timmy Hsu (2024; HKU)

   PhD program, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Xiangyu Jin (2023; SJTU)

   PhD program, Anderson School of Management, UCLA, USA

Dayu Wu (2023; USTC)

   PhD program, Wisconsin School of Business, UW-Madison, USA

Tong Xie (2022; CUHK Shenzhen)

   PhD program, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA

Miao Yu (2017; Nankai University)

   PhD program, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Yu Cai (2016; HKUST)

   PhD program, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA